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Planning Board Minutes 11/01/2018

Regular Meeting
November 1st, 2018

Members & Planning Staff Present:               
Chris Condon (Vice Chair), Mary Allen (Member), William Bryk (Member), John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Bob Holmes (Member), Lynne Rosansky (Member), and Ashley Brudnick-Destromp (Assistant to Land Use Boards)
Members Absent: Janet McEwen (Chair), Carol Ogilvie (Planning Consultant), and Steve MacDonald (Alternate)
Others Present: Ron Haggett (CIP Committee Member), Bob Edwards (Selectman/CIP Committee Member), Victor Rosansky (CIP Committee Member), and Mimi Kramer-Bryk (Self)

CTO:  Vice Chair Condon called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Chair McEwen was absent this evening, so Vice Chair Condon was filling in. Ms. Allen walked in at 7:03 PM to join the board.

I. CIP Presentation on Highway Department, Rec Department, and 2019 Overview
  • Mr. Haggett started the CIP presentation with the Highway Department. Mr. Haggett asked the board to reference the spreadsheet that was given out by the committee. Mr. Haggett stated that the bulk of the numbers is the replacement of the 2007 vehicle, that will be replaced in 2024.
  • Mr. Haggett addressed the concerns of the buildings within the Highway Department, and the thought of swapping the location of the transfer station and the highway department. He also addressed the concerns of not having a washing bay, and that the garage only has 4 or 5 bays, and that they have 9 pieces of equipment that need to fit. Overall, it is a substantial amount of money. Apart from that, after talking to the Highway Department, they are very knowledgeable of their facility, what they are doing, what rules and regulations they are complying with, and how things are run.
  • Mr. Edwards added in terms of the spreadsheet, this updated spreadsheet now has updated numbers compared to the previous one presented at the last meeting on 10/18/18. Mr. Edwards added that the numbers now easily reflect what is being spent, what is being taken out of capital reserves, and what is being added to capital reserves.
  • Mr. Edwards began a discussion on the dams and bridges section. Mr. Edwards went over the new numbers that are updated for the bridges with the committee. He mentioned when you see the “minuses” section, it captures the actual bridges outlay. In 2020 there may be an expenditure, but they are not 100% sure, it comes down to DES recommendations.
  • Ms. Rosansky asked if the Highway Department if they have considered the issues around water run-off, as it has become a recent issue. Mr. Haggett stated that there was a conversation that was had with the road agent, and that the answer right now is that the water runs downhill at the moment without having a washing bay. Mr. Haggett mentioned an estimate from several years ago for a washing bay that addresses the run off issues, and the estimate was somewhere between $400,000-$600,000. Mr. Haggett went on to explain that there is a similar issue with the Fire Department, as they do not have a washing bay either, and they wash the engines after each fire. Mr. Edwards said when it comes to stone water control, DES has issues new regulations that will eventually have Antrim do an inventory on all stone water run off and management. Once we know what we are dumping into the bodies of water, and if it doesn’t meet the states standard, then we will have to come up with a plan. We aren’t mandated now, but now is the time to start doing the work. Ms. Rosansky also mentioned the erosion, and how that has a maintenance impact on the roads. Is there a way for the road agent to look at the big hills, and find places that we can disperse and control it to help eliminate road erosion? Mr. Edwards said because there is so much private property, and that in order to do it properly, it would cost a fortune, but it is something we need to start looking at now, and Jim Plourde is starting to look at it. It will have to be added to his operating budget, but we are aware of it.
  • Vice Chair asked to bring the conversation back towards the spreadsheet. Mr. Haggett mentioned that the numbers on the spreadsheet also reflect any profit coming in. Ms. Allen asked if there is any part or section of town that has greater problems with run off, as it would be helpful for the Planning Board to understand where the worst spots are. Mr. Haggett brought up a beaver damn roughly 10 years ago that caused a significant amount of damage. Several members of the board commented on it as well to add to how significant the damage was. Mr. Edwards said, in response to Ms. Allen’s question,  the CIP Committee isn’t knowledgeable enough to answer that, and that is a question that the Road Agent would be better at answering. Ms. Allen stated that anything along Great Brook, seems to have an issue, and is continuing to get worse.
  • Mr. Haggett brought up the sewer and water system, and how it is 70-80 years old, and what can we do with it as a town. How much money can you put into the Capital Reserve accounts so that you do not have to spend time trying to find the money when it is needed. Mr. Haggett said the best thing we can do, is do what the CIP did this year and talk to the departments in person, and it has helped build confidence in that the town staffs know what they are doing.
  • Mr. Condon asked if anyone on the board had questions, no one responded.
  • Mr. Condon had a question on the library. Mr. Haggett said that trustees of the library got together and that typically has asked for $25,000 into the capital reserve account, but they came to the conclusion there was no immediate need, as they are aware of the other things going on within the town. Mr. Haggett added that there is nothing coming up that they can see that would require them to ask for money, so they decided not to.
  • Mr. Edwards also added that there is the town buildings capital reserve if they needed to.
  • Mr. Haggett went on to the Rec Department, and how he was not physically at the meeting, but read the minutes. Mr. Haggett said that the gist he got was that the Rec Department is saying they make plans, request funs, and do not receive anything, and that it has been going on for the past several years. Mr. Haggett that he went through the towns records, the capital reserve accounts, and the Richardson Trusts, and sees that there are funds there for things they have wanted to do. At this point, we have been accumulating funds in the capital reserve accounts for $25,000 a year. Mr. Haggett said he is not sure if any of those funds are being used at this point.
  • Mr. Condon asked about the gym floor, and that he was given the impression it needed to be replaced right away but that he is seeing on the spreadsheet that is not the case. Mr. Haggett explained that the new floor had been put in, and then when the parking lot was put in, it caused water to go into the gym and ruin the floor. At this point, they are starting to get the water under control, and are currently running moisture checks, but that the Rec Departments main focus is Memorial Park. Mr. Haggett went on to explain that the changes to Memorial Park would be done in quardrants, and that they are major changes, and seem to be well in to their planning. Mr. Haggett added that they are looking for $400,000, and that is a substantial amount of money, but they have layed out a plan with it.
  • Ms. Allen brought up when Memorial Park was first put together 30 years ago, and that it was a separate committee. She said they were able to get matching grants at the time from the state, and that she would like to see the Rec Department. Mr. Holmes said he wanted to clarify that they are looking to get matching funds, and that each quadrant is roughly $100,000. Mr. Haggett and Mr. Edwards both added to the conversation, and Mr. Edwards added that the Rec Department has been frustrated because in the past, other things have come up that have caused the Rec Department’s funding to get put into something else.
  • Mr. Edwards said he wanted to go back and discuss the gym floor more so people can understand. The floor was buffed and coated in 2018, but then pealed. The Selectman agreed to fund a complete sanding and re coating of the floor by the same company that re did the floor at the high school. That company is not willing to do it until all the moisture tests come back negative, so the goal is to have it done in the Summer of 2019. This would give the floor 7-10 years until it needs to be replaced. Mr. Edwards added that we are still trying to negotiate with Conval a percentage of use in order to split the cost, as we feel we should get some portion form the school district since we pay into it so much.
  • Mr. Haggett added that the construction of the floor went in in 2003, and that it was noted in the minutes from the meeting with the rec department that it has failed in other schools due to moisture and causing the pins in the floor to become loose. He added that it is no longer manufactured and sold because of that.
  • Mr. Edwards added that if there was a vote, and the school was closed, that the Conval use would be relinquished, and it would all be on Antrim to pay to fix it. He mentioned it could last 50 years if it is fixed correctly.
  • Mr. Condon asked if anyone has any questions or if anyone wanted to add anything. Mr. Edwards said he wanted to mention that there was a commitment in the town report to put $40,000 away for town and government, and that it isn’t in there anymore but that there may need to be something put in for the roof. It is something for a later discussion.   
II. Minutes
Minutes from October 18th, 2018
  • Review:  Vice Chair Condon asked the board to review the minutes, and then after reviewing it will be discussed
Motion: Mr. Holmes made a motion to approve the minutes as amended by the planning assistant, Mr. Bryk second the motion. By a voice vote, the minutes for October 18th, 2018 were approved as amended. Ms. Rosansky recused herself due to her absence on 10/18/18.

III. Planning Assistant Report
  • Ms. Brudnick-Destromp mentioned that after receiving a recent inquiry, and consulting with Dario Carrara, the planning board might in the future want to look over the zoning ordinance for a multi-family and compare it to that of an accessory dwelling unit.
  • Ms. Rosansky informed Ms. Brudnick-Destromp that Ms. Ogilvie had spent a lot of time with the Planning Board last year going over accessory dwelling units when the state made a requirement. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp pointed out that it is hard to determine the difference between the 2, and it might create an issue in the future where someone who should be going by the zoning ordinance for a multi-family might be able to argue it’s in fact an accessory dwelling unit. The current requirements for an accessory dwelling unit are 800 sq ft of living space or less, and that is a large amount, therefore someone with what would be considered a “multi-family” could possibly argue it is not that and that they could fall under an accessory dwelling unit.
  • Ms. Rosansky agreed that although they spent a significant amount of time on accessory dwelling units, they never looked at the zoning ordinance for multi families and compared them. Mr. Holmes stated that Ms. Brudnick-Destromp should email Ms. Ogilivie about it first, and after she reviews it, determine if it is something that the board would need to look into and make changes to.
  • Mr. Bryk suggested that Ms. Brudnick-Destromp look at what the model statue is for a municipality online to help. Mr. Holmes added that even if they are different, it would still have to be something the Planning Board would have to vote on and adopt.
  • Vice Chair Condon asked if there was any other business to discuss. Ms. Brudnick-Destromp mentioned the ZBA has one more meeting coming up on 11/13/18, for 15 North Main street, and that it is both a special exception as well as a variance application. There will only be 3 members on the board that evening, and Ms. Nelkens had to recuse herself as an abutter.
IV. Master Plan
  • Vice Chair Condon asked if anyone had anything to add regarding the Master Plan and review. Mr. Holmes asked Mr. Bryk if he would be willing to work by email with himself and Ms. Ogilvie to accomplish the first task of the land use chapters. Mr. Bryk said that was good for him, and exchanged his email address.
V. Other Business
  • Mr. Robertson wanted the Planning Board to know that Donna Hanson will be out for a few weeks after having surgery, and that anything needing attention at Town Hall can go to either Diane Chauncey, or one of the Selectman in the meantime until her return.
Meeting Adjourned:  ~ Mr. Bryk moved to adjourn at 8:00pm, Ms. Rosansky second that motion.
By a voice vote, all were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Ashley Brudnick-Destromp
Assistant to Land Use Boards